The Class of 1937 held their 50th class reunion with a dinner dance at the Elk's Lodge in Sidney on a Saturday evening, followed by a barbecue catered by Brooks Barbecue and held at the park in Cope's Corners. This was so successful that the suggestion was made to conduct an annual affair and open it up to all alumni classes.
In 1988, the reunion, including other classes, was held again at Cope's Corners, but there was such a good turnout that another meeting place that would accommodate more people had to be considered.
In 1989, it was held at the Fireman's Pavilion, again catered by Brook's Barbecue. In 1990 and 1991, it was moved to the General Clinton Park in Bainbridge and the Sidney Firemen catered the affair. The reunion was moved to the Fireman's Training Center in 1992 and continued to be held there.
The committee for the first All Class Reunion held in 1988 was Blanche Hunter, Velma Riggs, Betty Rowe and Sally Provenson (an alumni by marriage) and Bernadine Boardman.
In the beginning, the group sat around Bernadine's kitchen table, exchanging ideas, making lists of past students and "to do" lists. Locating some of the alumni who had left the area took quite a bit of time and effort. There were no computers in those days. It was a very enjoyable time for all of the group and many close friendships
were renewed. |
All Class Reunion Luncheon Founders - 2000
Blanche Hunter, Velma Riggs, Betty Rowe, Donald Laraway, Bernadine Boardman, Sally Provenson. Those in the picture are just four of the original group. |