SCS Alumni Newsletter Heading
 Volume VII Issue I Spring - 2004 
The Editor's Corner......
Karen 'Cycon' Dermody '63

In this column I will borrow a phrase from my friend, Dennis Porter (who indeed wears many hats in his work and volunteer life), and I will put on my "Chairman of Alumni Reunion - Weekend, 2004 hat" for a few paragraphs.

There are several classes due to have significant anniversary reunions who have no formal plans. I have heard from some of the members of those classes asking if we are planning something. The answer is that the entire Reunion Weekend is a place to meet your classmates as well as lots of others and so you have a place and a variety of events to attend.

My suggestion to the classes of `69, `79, `94, `99 and any others who want to catch up with your old friends, is to use the website; the rosters, the message boards, and contact as many people as you can and plan to meet during the weekend at. any one of the events--the socials/icebreakers are one choice. The weekend format is "tailor made" for you. Meet at the Friday night social - listen to good music and continue on throughout the weekend with your old classmates and possibly others you never expected to see. There are restaurants in town where you could meet for dinner on Friday or Saturday - especially with a small group. If you need to make travel arrangements, contact Catskill Travel and they can tell you what rooms are available in the area.

If you need some help with this -- contact me at or 609-631-9516. But, above all, don't stay away because there is nothing planned. The whole weekend is planned for all of you.

In this issue you can read about the plans for the next phase of the SCSAA's Wall of Fame for Distinguished Alumni and Educators and learn how you can participate in the nominating process. You can also read the complete story and see pictures of the first SCSAA Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and dinner held last November. Linda DeBloom Stock writes very movingly about her Dad, Harry DeBloom. And, of course, there are lots of reunion plans here as well.

Take a look, too, at the article on Page 1, describing the "1000 book challenge" and the SCSAA's project with the high school. I personally hope this' will be very successful. It won't take much effort on our part and it will do so much good.

Please take a moment to vote for the slate of nominees for Board of Directors. You can either use the form in the newsletter or visit the website and submit your ballot there.

I particularly want to thank the people and businesses who have advertised with us in this issue. It is becoming more critical to have some sponsorship in publishing and mailing you. I hope that you will patronize our advertisers whenever possible. Many are alumni. If you have a business-please consider placing an ad with us. I hope I will see you all in July.