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 Volume X Issue II Fall - 2006 
The Editor's Corner......
Karen 'Cycon' Dermody '63

I must begin my editorial with an apology to anyone who sent me a picture or an article and find that it is not printed in this issue. Due to a computer crash, I lost my most recent "Reflections" folder and, along with it, what had been sent to me before September 24. Our wonderful webmaster, Ray Taylor, sent a mass email to our roster advising everyone of what happened and I received many responses. I was able to duplicate almost everything but I know that there is at least one wedding picture that I did not get again and I don't know who sent it. I also recreated the Memorial list and I think it is complete. I sincerely apologize if 1 missed a name. Please let me know and it will appear in the next issue.

This is an interesting issue and it reflects, I think, the events of the last few months. It is not as long which directly results from the cancellation of Alumni Weekend. There were fewer reunions and stories about them and pictures to print. I am hopeful that this is an anomaly and that you will continue to send your news and pictures and ideas for articles to me.

We have managed to include a lot in this issue. Pat McElligott has sent along another interesting article about boxing in Sidney.- I have enjoyed all of Pat's contributions and I know that you have as well and have sent along your comments saying so.

My thanks to Nancy Sue Burns for writing her personal experiences during the flooding in Sidney and allowing us to print them. Those who live out of Sidney can only imagine how difficult it was during that time. Cherie - Gregory Bryan has written her personal story of how it felt to hear about the flooding and to know that her father's home was directly affected.

During the Emergency Board meeting in July, Greg Davie presented his idea for those who wanted to reschedule reunions next year to "Pal Up" with the year closest to them. This option seemed to be a hopeful and positive way to look forward. Greg has described his idea in this issue.

Jon . DeTemple has embarked on the "Project project"-an interesting look at a major aspect of the recent history of Sidney and to which many of you can contribute. He has already received some wonderful pictures and stories.

We have covered the entire period of the devastating natural disaster, the clean up and the road to recovery, ending with the Dedication of Sidney Alumni Field during Homecoming Weekend. I think the articles and pictures have captured some of the emotions of the weekend.

The next event for the Association is the Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in November at the newly re-opened Elks Lodge. You will find all the details here.

There are pictures and Alumni News thanks to all who sent information.

Please vote for the candidates who are seeking election to. the SCSAA board. You can use the ballot in this issue or go to the website and vote there. You must be a paid member of the Association- if your, membership has lapsed, please take a moment to fill out the membership form and while you are at it-fill in your family information so we can let everyone know what you and your family are doing now.

Remember the Sidney United Way for flood relief-the need is still there- and if you are able, please add the 1000 Book Challenge to your holiday gift list.

Karen Cycon Dermody