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 Volume V Issue II Fall - 2002 
50th Reunion - Class of 1952
By Tom Rogers - Wayne King

The Class of 1952 celebrated its 50th Reunion this summer during the All-Sidney Alumni Weekend. We had 42 members returning for the Reunion, from a class of 62, of which 8 are deceased. Not a bad turn out, it would have been nice if everyone could have attended, but there are always conflicts of one type or another.

Friday evening class members and their spouses met at the home of Donna and Wayne King for a picnic. The class had been asked to submit current pictures and information about themselves. The King's used this information, old high school yearbooks and old copies of the Maroon and White to put together our "GOLDEN REFLECTOR", a yearbook representing our class from 1952 to 2002. This is truly a classic presentation. All class members that were at the reunion or had submitted information about themselves received a copy of the GOLDEN REFLECTOR. Reunion shirts, nametags and 1952 SCHS pens were also handed out.

Saturday we gathered at the Elks Club for a pancake breakfast at 9:00 AM. We all felt that this was a great idea and hope that it will be continued in the future. Many of us participated in the Nature Walk either before or after breakfast. We then participated in the March of Classes. This was an opportunity to meet old friends from other classes. In the afternoon various class members enjoyed several open houses. I visited the old high school, walked across the basketball court and visited the Sidney Historical Society Museum.

We had our 50th Reunion banquet at the Elks Club Saturday evening. Presentations and thanks were issued to many. A bouquet to Donna King, a plaque to Wayne King for their on going support of the class and the Friday social gathering and the "GOLDEN REFLECTOR". A plaque was given to Tom Rogers for holding the class together for 50 years. Thanks to Keigh Cronauer Earisman and Erma MacDonald Scott for the Class Banner and name tags. Thanks to Helen Riesen Rosenkranz for the table decorations. And thanks to all that have contributed over the years. Thanks to Elliot Danforth, and Carol and Bob Mayer for their contributions to the festivities. The principal speaker of the evening was humorist Howard Mills who delivered several delightful stories. I believe that all had a good time and enjoyed the opportunity to see "old" friends and share "old" stories. We found out who was the youngest, who had the most grandchildren and who had great grandchildren.

Sunday morning several members of our class attended a memorial service for Reggie Reynolds, the daughter of Barbara Tacea Smith, a classmate of ours. During the weekend Esther Weeden Davidson, one of our classmates, helped her mother celebrate her 100th birthday.

At noon on Sunday we attended the All-Sidney Alumni Luncheon. At the Luncheon the Class of '52 added Donna King as an honorary member in appreciation of her contribution to the success of our 50th Reunion. The Luncheon presented by the Sidney Fire Department was rousing success, much enjoyed by all.

The Class of 1952 would like to thank all that made this weekend a great success and we look forward to our next big celebration in 2007.

Tom Rogers - Wayne King