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 Volume IV Issue II Fall - 2001 

The Editor's Corner
By Karen Dermody - Editor

It would be impossible to write this column without mentioning briefly the dreadful events of 9-11-01. Since becoming involved with the Alumni Association, our membership has begun to feel like family to me. As you all know, our Alumni Family was personally affected by the tragedy and our hearts are broken as well. To the families of James Patrick and Carol Flyzik, and any others of whom we are unaware, we say again that you are in our prayers.

We are happy to have contributions from several of our alumni in this issue. Doug Sheldon `59 has sent us his thoughts about returning for alumni weekend and celebrating his 60th birthday with his "first friends". We also have many pictures and lots of news from alumni all over the world.

Alumni weekend 2001 was better than last year and is becoming a treasured annual event for us all. You will note that several classes are already planning for next year (and the year after that) to celebrate during the weekend in July. The list of class representatives on page 10 will give you the information you need to find out the latest about your reunion plans.

If you have news of a reunion please let me know. I am in need of articles of interest from anyone. If you have anything you would like to contribute, I urge you to send them to me at the Association PO box or email them to me. Send memories, pictures, and thoughts. I rely on you to keep the newsletter a reality.

Last April, the New York State Education Commissioner, Richard Miller, sent a letter to school boards asking them to change Native American Indian related nicknames as soon as possible. The mascots, he said in the letter, "can become a barrier to building a safe and nurturing school community and improving academic standards." More than 100 New York school districts have what some have called "offensive" nicknames, ranging from "Indians" to "Braves" to "Warriors". According to Carolyn Norton, a staff writer for the Daily Star in Oneonta, fewer than 10 have changes their logos and mascots since receiving the commissioner's letter. The others have decided to keep the names for now.

It has been suggested that the Alumni Association provide a forum for a discussion of this issue. With that in mind, I would like to have the Alumni Community's thoughts about the question. If you would like to be a part of the discussion, please send your comments to me at 55 Livingston Dr., Hamilton, NJ, 08619 or or SCSAA, PO Box 2186, Sidney, NY, 13838.

Look for the remarks in the spring issue of "Reflections". The alumni perspective will be an important one for all to hear.